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How can we help?
Using the charts on the website
Saving Favorite locations on the website
What do the flag colors mean?
How do I enter Lat/Lon values?
Set unit preferences on the website
Buoyweather on a mobile device?
How do I sign up for Premium?
How to cancel Premium?
How can I change my billing term from monthly to annual?
How do I access my membership information?
How do I renew my Premium membership?
Should I get a monthly or annual membership?
Troubleshooting issues
I've paid for Premium, why can't I access it?
The app opens up at the wrong location
Login & password issues
How to update the password on your account
How to change the email address on your account
Set unit preferences on your account
How do I delete my account?
What is auto-renewal?
How do I update my credit card information?
App (iOS)
Set unit preferences in the iOS app
Using the charts in the iOS app
Joining Premium through the iOS app
Saving Favorite locations on the iOS app
App (Android)
Set unit preferences in the Android app
Joining Premium through the Android app
Saving Favorite locations in the Android app
Gift Cards
How do I redeem a Buoyweather Gift Card?
How can I purchase a Buoyweather Gift Card?
Company Information
How can I contact Buoyweather?
How can I learn more about Buoyweather?
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