How do I sign up for Premium?

Important notes

  • If you know to have a Premium subscription but can't access Premium, see I've paid for Premium, why can't I access it?
  • The Premium product (whether purchased through Buoyweather, Apple or Google Play) is the same and can be accessed from any device logged into your account
  • Premium purchased through Buoyweather can be managed on the website
  • Premium purchased through the app needs to be managed through the App Store

Sign up for Premium through the app

See one of the below articles

Sign up for Premium on

1. Sign in to your Buoyweather account, or create one. Make sure your email address is spelt correctly as the Premium subscription will be linked to this address.

2. Follow any sign to "Try Premium" which will take you to the following page

3. Choose your subscription plan. Free trial eligibility will be noted on this page. If you have a discount code, there is a button beneath the smallprint. Hit GO PREMIUM

Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 10.36.30.png

4. Review & confirm your purchase on our third-party billing system's page (Stripe). You must enter all of the following before hitting Subscribe.

  • Card number
  • Expiry date
  • CVC
  • Full name
  • Billing address

Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 10.40.02.png

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