How to cancel Premium?

Important notes

  • Cancelling a subscription does not generate a refund
  • Cancelling a subscription is the same as disabling the auto-renewal
  • You'll still have Premium access until the end of the billed term
  • To terminate your subscription with immediate access, contact from the email address associated with your account as soon as possible after the last renewal


Joined Premium through the app (billed by Apple or Google Play)?


Joined Premium through the website (billed by Buoyweather directly)?

1. From the homepage, hit Account and then Payment and Password.

Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 11.25.33.png


2. Choose SUBSCRIPTION from the top banner and see a CANCEL BUOYWEATHER SUBSCRIPTION? link below your current subscription information


3. Complete a quick 4-step survey. You will need to enter your account password. Please log out if you are using the forgot password link.

Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 11.44.04.png



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